Thursday, December 10, 2009


So its been an eternity since i wrote anything in here or anywhere for that matter... But the best time to start something good is now. So here goes.

Once a long time ago I used to listen to music and hear, well just music. Rhythm, lyrics, drum beet etc. You know what i mean, you just hear it for what it is.

Then i started paying more attention to music. Learning scales, chords, Major and Minor notes, minor 7ths.... and slowly music became more than it was. to the point where two days ago while driving home from work and listening to an acoustic rendition of a song on the radio. I had to change the channel because believe it or not the person singing was out of tune.

On top of that i am really trying to start a new hobby of working with Bonsai trees. I'm planning to start my first plants this spring but i have been reading a lot about the different styles of plants and how to train them into their miniature version. Studying how they develop in real life and ways to simulate age. How to Jin a tree or craft the root system on a grafting.

Now as with the music i see trees differently, I see not only what they are but what i would do to them in miniature. and not just the tree as a whole but each branch which has the opportunity to become a plant to itself. I hope this is a good thing and nature doesn't look poorly at me for thinking i could create more from what it has worked so hard to create already.

